Title |
Network resource enumeration
Summary |
A simple function to enumerate the machines and resources on a network. It recursively expands the network exposing all reachable items. |
Contributor |
John McTainsh
Published |
8-Nov-2000 |
Last updated |
8-Nov-2000 |
It is often necessary for a user to browse the network to identify
a machine or shared resource. The following function allows the network resources
to be enumerated and expanded like branches on a tree.
How to use it.
You MUST add Mpr.lib to the build librarys otherwise you will
get a link error. To do this select Project->Settings to open the Project
settings dialog. Select the Link tab and from the drop down box select
the General Catagory. In the Object/Link modules edit type in mpr.lib
The following function starts an enumeration of the newtork
starting at the root. If you have a pointer to a NETRESOURCE
it can be used in place of NULL to expand that branch of the tree. In
this example EnumNetwork calls itself (a bad idea) to expand the branches.
Run the application in DEBUG to view the output in the trace log.
EnumNetwork( NULL, _T(" - ") );
The Enumerate function.
This is the actual enumeration function. It first opens the network resource
then enumerates it. Each enumeration is displayed in the TRACE then used
to re-enter this function to expand itself.
// ***************************************************************************
// Enumerate the given network resource.
// pNetResource NULL to enumerate root or a pointer
// to a NETRESOURCE to enumerate.
// sIndent Used only for display of data it allows
// re-enternat calls to be pushed further across page.
// true if the resource has sub items.
// 8-11-2000, 8:20:31 by john@mctainsh.com
// ***************************************************************************
bool EnumNetwork( NETRESOURCE *const pNetResource, CString sIndent )
//TRACE( _T("EnumNetwork( %p )\n"), pNetResource );
DWORD dwResult;
DWORD cbBuffer = 16*1024;
DWORD cEntries = 0xFFFFFFFF;
dwResult = WNetOpenEnum(
&hEnum );
//Was the read sucessfull
if (dwResult != NO_ERROR)
TRACE( _T("%s *** ERROR %d - Cannot enumerate network\n"),
sIndent, dwResult );
return false;
//Get items until no more remain.
lpnrDrv = (LPNETRESOURCE) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cbBuffer );
dwResult = WNetEnumResource( hEnum, &cEntries, lpnrDrv, &cbBuffer );
if (dwResult == NO_ERROR)
//Scann through the results
for( i = 0; i < cEntries; i++ )
CString sNameRemote = lpnrDrv[i].lpRemoteName;
if( sNameRemote.IsEmpty() )
sNameRemote = lpnrDrv[i].lpComment;
//Save the resource information
TRACE( _T("%s %s\n"), sIndent, sNameRemote );
//Here is where we delve deeper into the tree by
//calling our self with current NETRESOURCE.
//We don't bother with shares as they are branch ends.
//and can be enumerated with CFileFind.
if( lpnrDrv[i].dwDisplayType != RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE )
EnumNetwork( &(lpnrDrv[i]), sIndent + _T(" ") );
GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL) lpnrDrv );
if( dwResult != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS && dwResult != NO_ERROR )
TRACE( _T("%s *** ERROR %d - Cannot complete network enumeration\n"),
sIndent, dwResult );
while( dwResult != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS );
//Let go and go home