Title |
Building a text file into the Executable
Summary |
How to make a text file available at run time and compiled directly into the executable. This is useful for such things as copyright notices. |
Contributor |
John McTainsh
Published |
8-Sep-2000 |
Last updated |
8-Sep-2000 |
Using LoadString() is convenient but does not suit large documents which
can more easily be edited in notepad type editors and kept in separate files to enable
better source control.
- Put the Text file in the
project\res directory.
- Add the Text file to VSS.
- Add the following line to
MyApplication.rc2 (In this example the
text file is called JohnsNotes.txt .
- Where the text is to be loaded place the following code. Note in
this example the text is placed into an exit box called
//Insert the Licence agreement
HINSTANCE hAppRes = AfxGetResourceHandle();
HRSRC hResTemp = ::FindResource( hAppRes, "IDTXT_JOHNS_NOTES", "TEXT" );
HANDLE hTextResource = ::LoadResource( hAppRes, hResTemp );
if( hTextResource )
//Points to ocked data in memory
LPSTR lpResData = (LPSTR)::LockResource( hTextResource );
SetDlgItemText( IDC_THE_NOTES, lpResData );
::FreeResource( hTextResource );