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Title Simple modal dialog
Summary How to create a simple modal dialog box. Simular to the about box that comes with many applications.
Contributor John McTainsh
Published 27-Oct-2000
Last updated 27-Oct-2000
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Displaying a modal dialog can be handy for such things as about box and warning message boxes. This SimpleDialog class displays a Dialog box with a text area in it.

Simple Dialog class

The class loads and creates an action listener to destroy itself when the the close is selected. It also add a text area to display the data in the dialog.
//Modal Dialog box used to display a modal about box
class SimpleDialog extends Dialog
    private TextArea m_textArea;

    public SimpleDialog( Frame fParent, String sTitle )
        super( fParent, sTitle, true );
    //Layout and show the dialog
    public void show( String sText )
        //Add anonymous class handler to Close dialog with close button
        addWindowListener ( 
            new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) 
                    if( e.getSource() instanceof SimpleDialog )
                        SimpleDialog sd = (SimpleDialog)( e.getSource() );
                        System.out.println( "***ERROR event recieved for wrong window " + e );
            } );
        m_textArea = new TextArea( sText );
        setSize( 200, 100 );
        add( m_textArea );
        show();                         //This is a blocking call
This is how to use the call the dialog. We create a simple frame with two buttons, one to activate the Dialog and one to quite the application.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

//Typical Class that catchs a button event and display
//a modal dialog box.
public class DialogTest extends Frame implements ActionListener
    private Button  m_btnDialog;
    private Button  m_btnQuit;

    //Main application starts here
    public static void main (String[] args)
        DialogTest frame = new DialogTest();
        frame.setTitle( "Testing Dialog!" );
    //Setup initial 
    public void SetupMain()
        setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
        m_btnDialog = new Button( "About" );
        m_btnDialog.addActionListener( this );
        m_btnQuit = new Button( "Quit" );
        m_btnQuit.addActionListener( this );
        add( m_btnDialog );
        add( m_btnQuit );
        setVisible( true );
    //Event handler (For button press only)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        //Display Dialog if Button is pressed
        if( e.getSource() == m_btnDialog )
            SimpleDialog simdlg = new SimpleDialog( this, "About box" );
            simdlg.show( "Application by John McTainsh\n" +
                         "Written 26 October 2000." );
        //Quite if Button is pressed
        if( e.getSource() == m_btnQuit )
            System.exit( 0 );
NOTE: When running the Microsoft virtual machine JView.exe you may be able to click on the "About" button several times before the first instance of the About box appears so several About boxes may appear on top of each other. This does not happen on the SUN virtual machine. To overcome this prevent the Dialog displaying if it is already visible. ie
    //Event handler (For button press only)
    SimpleDialog m_SimDlg = null;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        //Display Dialog if Button is pressed
        if( e.getSource() == m_btnDialog )
            if( m_SimDlg != null )
            m_SimDlg = new SimpleDialog( this, "About box" );
            m_SimDlg.show( "Application by John McTainsh\n" +
                         "Written 26 October 2000." );
            m_SimDlg = null;
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