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Title Lets get threading.
Summary This simple code segement shows how to create new thread of execution and how to sychronise a section of the shared code.
Contributor John McTainsh
Published 14-Jun-2001
Last updated 14-Jun-2001
Page rating   90% for 6 votes Useless Brilliant


This code sample will create a working thread and demonstrate locking a  small section of the thread. This is by no means a who is what of threading. It should just get you running (Ha ha.). Later parts to the threading saga will should cover detailed thread issues such as synchronisation and priority.


To create a thread we need to include the following namespace.

    using System.Threading;                         // Thread information

Here is the code

The following class will be created and the OnThreadStart will be the starting point of the new thread. It looks like any other class except the OnThreadStart function must have the declaration of public void Xxxxxx() to suit the delegate. Once running the object will print the thread name and a count to 100. Note: The lock ensures only one thread of execution enters the lock area for each instance of MyThreadRunner.

    /// <summary>
    /// This class is the object created to be run by the thread new
    /// threads. It is created and the Start Delegate is called to run
    /// a thread through the OnThreadStart
    /// </summary>
    class MyThreadRunner
        /// <summary>
        /// A delegate is created for this function and passed to a
        /// Thread object to execute.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnThreadStart()
            // Prevent two threads entering this thread for 'this' object
            lock( this )
                for( int n = 0; n < 100; n++ )
                    Console.Out.WriteLine( "OnThreadStart(),  Name {0}, {1}", 
                        Thread.CurrentThread.Name, n);

The following code will launch two new threads as follows;

  • Two objects are created, each will be launching a new thread. (To begin with).
  • The two threads are created using the ThreadStart delegate.
  • The threads are named to make display clearer.
  • The threads are run and left to there own devices.
    // Create the object to house the thread
    MyThreadRunner myRunner1 = new MyThreadRunner();
    MyThreadRunner myRunner2 = new MyThreadRunner();

    // Create the thread, passing a delegate to start at.
    Thread myThread1 = new Thread( new ThreadStart( myRunner1.OnThreadStart ) );
    Thread myThread2 = new Thread( new ThreadStart( myRunner2.OnThreadStart ) );

    //Name the thread
    myThread1.Name = "Daisy";
    myThread2.Name = "X1";
    // Start the threads executing

When the above code executes, depending on your CPU configuration and a zillion other factors, the output text would be intermingled every couple of lines. This is to be expected. To make only one thread enter the lock section at any instant we must only create one myRunner object and pass the same object to both myThread1 and myThread2 as follows.

    // Create the object to house the thread
    MyThreadRunner myRunner = new MyThreadRunner();

    // Create the thread, passing a delegate to start at.
    Thread myThread1 = new Thread( new ThreadStart( myRunner.OnThreadStart ) );
    Thread myThread2 = new Thread( new ThreadStart( myRunner.OnThreadStart ) );



Threads are a very powerful tool in developing real time applications. However without proper planning they can result in endless grief when synchronisation and data shearing is involved. Be sure you really need a thread and then concentrate on avoiding spin locks and deadlocks so you threads play well with others.

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