Title |
Populating the DataGrid
Summary |
The DataGrid control in WinForms is a very powerful and complete item. These code samples describe how to populate the underlaying DataSet manually or from database table. |
Contributor |
John McTainsh
Published |
7-May-2001 |
Last updated |
15-Jul-2001 |
These code snippets will demonstrate how to fill a DataGrid manually and with
data from a database. This will involve filling a DataSet using a DataTable and
an ADODataSetCommand. All these classes are very powerful and have many features
that will not be covered here. We will only cover a few of the most simple forms
of population.
Create the DataGrid.
The following steps will create the DataGrid object we will use for the remainder
of the exercise.
- Using Visual Studio.NET open a new C# Windows application project.
- From the View menu select Toolbox.
- Drag a DataGrid onto the form in design mode.
- Right click on the DataGrid object on the form and select properties.
- Change (Name) to m_dgTest.
- See Simple ADO.NET on using namespace
System.Data.OleDb (if using databases)
Displaying database table using OleDbDataAdapter .
This is probably the simplest method. All you need is the database connection
string and SQL select statement to return the table rows. Note that with this
method the columns information is read from the same location as the data. The "SomeName"
parameter is used to label the table in the DataSet as it may contain several
tables. This method also allows for the data to be edited my the user and
changes pushed back into the database using the OleDbDataAdapter .Update()
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
// Read the Data into a Table.
OleDbDataAdapter workDSCMD = new OleDbDataAdapter(
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\\CS\\Northwind.mdb;" );
workDSCMD.Fill(ds, "EMPLOYEES" );
// Set the dataset to the Grid
m_dataGrid.DataSource = ds;
Fill the DataGrid using DataReader.
If you do not want to write back to the database and want a little more
control over how the data is read or displayed, this section of code should
solve your problem. It opens the DataReader and sets up the columns by reading
the field names from the table. It then iterates through all the table rows
adding them to the DataTable.
// Open connection
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\\CS\\Northwind.mdb;";
// Create DataReader
OleDbDataReader dr;
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand( "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES", conn );
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
DataTable dt = new DataTable("Employees");
// Setup the Column types
for( int nField = 0; nField < dr.FieldCount ; nField++ )
dt.Columns.Add( dr.GetName( nField ) );
// Insert the data into the table
while( dr.Read() )
DataRow datRow = dt.NewRow();
for( int nField = 0; nField < dr.FieldCount ; nField++ )
datRow[nField] = dr.GetValue( nField );
dt.Rows.Add( datRow );
// Set the dataset to the Grid
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Tables.Add( dt );
m_dataGrid.DataSource = ds;
Fill the DataGrid from the NT Event Log.
If you became bored enough you may want to create your own event log viewer
or even enable viewing the event log through a aspx page. Here we will fill a
DataSet with the contents of the local machines "Application" event log. The
points to note are;
- A DataTable is created.
- Columns are added to the table to create a schema.
dt.NewRow is called to create a row with the table's schema.
- The new row is then populated and added to the Table.
// Insert just after namespace
using System.Diagnostics;
// Create the Table
DataTable dt = new DataTable( "MyApplicationLog" );
//Setup the Column types
dt.Columns.Add( "Time" );
dt.Columns.Add( "Source" );
dt.Columns.Add( "Message" );
// Open the event log
EventLog eventLog = new EventLog();
eventLog.Log = "Application";
// Read in each line of the Event Log
foreach( EventLogEntry entry in eventLog.Entries )
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
string sTime = entry.TimeGenerated.ToString();
dr["Time"] = sTime.Replace( 'T', ' ' );
dr["Source"] = entry.Source;
dr["Message"] = entry.Message;;
dt.Rows.Add( dr );
// Set the dataset to the Grid
m_dgTest.SetDataBinding(dt.DataSet, "MyApplicationLog" );
As with all database operations they MUST be performed inside a try/catch
area. This has been omitted for brevity.
How can i fill datagrid with item of differentes tables. I want to do more than one select, and display the result in a datagrid, but now, i can only display items of one element of a table.
Can you help me please.
Here my code :
string SelectNbMvtAtt = `Select item from toto`;
string SelectTotalImperr = `Select * from tutu`;
OleDbConnection myconnection= new OleDbConnection (`Provider=MSDAORA;Password=TOTO;User ID=TATA;Data Source=TITI`);
OleDbDataAdapter DA1 = new OleDbDataAdapter();
OleDbDataAdapter DA2 = new OleDbDataAdapter();
DA1.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand(SelectNbMvtAtt, myconnection);
DA2.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand(SelectTotalImperr, myconnection);
//OleDbDataAdapter nb_attente_mars_request = new OleDbDataAdapter (SelectNbMvtAtt, myconnection);
OleDbDataAdapter nb_erreur_mars_request = new OleDbDataAdapter (`Select implin_num as TOTO from MRTBIMPLINES where IMP_ID in(select imp_id from MRTBIMPORT where IMP_DATETIMEEND is null) `, myconnection);
DataSet ds_nb_att_mars = new DataSet();
DataSet ds_nb_err_mars = new DataSet();
DA1.Fill(ds_nb_att_mars, `MRTBIMPLINES`);
nb_erreur_mars_request.Fill(ds_nb_err_mars, `Erreurs`);
DataTable mvt_table = ds_nb_att_mars.Tables[0];
DataTable fraicheur_table = new DataTable();
DataGridMvt.DataSource = dvm;
DataGridFraicheur.DataSource = ds_nb_err_mars;