Title |
Reading from an MS Access database using ADO.
Summary |
ADO is currently flavour of the year for accessing databases. This article provides a simple example of how to read from a MS Access database using ADO. |
Contributor |
John McTainsh
Published |
22-Feb-2001 |
Last updated |
22-Feb-2001 |
ADO is presently all the rage with fashionable developers so I thought I
better work out how to use it. Here you will find a very simple example of
reading from a database, the ADO way
Using the correct header.
Before we get too excited we better include some stuff to get started at the
correct location.
#include <atlbase.h> //This may not be necessary
//Load the ADO driver
#pragma warning(disable : 4146)
#import "c:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado15.dll" no_namespace rename("EOF", "EndOfFile")
#pragma warning(default: 4146)
Setting up and using.
Add to your class header.
_RecordsetPtr m_pRs; //Access to the database record set
Add to the implementation file the following two handy functions. One to turn bad HRESULTS into
exceptions and the other to extract a string from a record given the field name.
// ***************************************************************************
// Handy function to turn bad hresult into exception
// hr hresult to throw the execption on
// 10-12-2000, 9:04:00 PM by john@mctainsh.com
// ***************************************************************************
inline void ThrowHr( HRESULT hr )
if( FAILED( hr ) )
_com_issue_error( hr );
// ***************************************************************************
// Read the given string from the record set
// pRs Record sert to read from.
// sColumnName Title of column to read
// the string from the column of the given title.
// 7-11-2000, 9:07:54 PM by john@mctainsh.com
// ***************************************************************************
CString GetFieldString( _RecordsetPtr pRs, CString sColumnName )
//Read the filed
FieldPtr field = pRs->Fields->GetItem( (_bstr_t)sColumnName );
variant_t FldVal = field->GetValue();
//Convert to a string
CString sReturn;
if( FldVal.vt != VT_NULL )
ASSERT( FldVal.vt == VT_BSTR );
sReturn = (LPCSTR)(_bstr_t)FldVal.bstrVal;
return sReturn;
Now lets open and read from the database.
CString sProvider = _T("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};")
//Open a comment to an ADO record set from [Page] table
m_pRs.CreateInstance( "ADODB.Recordset" );
ThrowHr( m_pRs->Open("Page",
adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable ) );
ThrowHr( m_pRs->MoveFirst() );
catch (_com_error &e)
TRACE( _T("Error: OpenDatabase\n") );
TRACE( _T("Code = %08lx\n"), e.Error() );
TRACE( _T("Code meaning = %s\n"), e.ErrorMessage() );
TRACE( _T("Source = %s\n"), (LPCSTR)e.Source() );
TRACE( _T("Description = %s\n"), (LPCSTR)e.Description() );
ASSERT( true );
//Read all data from the [Page] database
//Loop on until all items are read
while( !m_pRs->EndOfFile )
//Read the record data
CString sTitle = GetFieldString( m_pRs, "Title" );
CString sSummary = GetFieldString( m_pRs, "Summary" );
CString sContrubutor = GetFieldString( m_pRs, "Contrubutor" );
CString sReadPath = GetFieldString( m_pRs, "Path" );
m_sHitTitle = sTitle;
m_sHitSummary = sSummary;
//Progress display
TRACE( "Checking - %s\n", m_sHitTitle );
//Lets move on
ThrowHr( m_pRs->MoveNext() );
catch (_com_error &e)
TRACE( _T("Error: GetHit\n") );
TRACE( _T("Code = %08lx\n"), e.Error() );
TRACE( _T("Code meaning = %s\n"), e.ErrorMessage() );
TRACE( _T("Source = %s\n"), (LPCSTR)e.Source() );
TRACE( _T("Description = %s\n"), (LPCSTR)e.Description() );
ASSERT( true );
Coming soon a notes on how to modify and delete using ADO.